We can remove (delete) links on most of the cheater websites out there.
Contact us for a confidential quote.
Most sites don’t rank well in Google, but I can see why you would want to delete or push down an article about yourself on a cheating website.
- About Cheater Websites
- What NOT To Do With Cheater Websites
- List Of Known Cheater Websites
- Delete Cheater Links Wrap-Up
About Cheater Websites
Cheater websites are pretty much the scum of the internet.
These sites are awful, as most of them have no moderation which means anyone can post anything about anybody and no one is doing any fact checking.
It’s despicable if you ask me, but these sites exist for one reason – to make money to get you to pay to remove the content someone has posted about you.
And many of the sites are interlinked, meaning they will pick up and re-publish each other’s content.
So, if you wind up on one cheater/liar website, you might wind up on others, too.
My advice on most of these sites is to just ignore it: Try not to let it bother you.
But if you just want it gone at an affordable price, you are in the right place.
If you’re only listed on one of these sites, removal is your best option.
However, if you’re listed on two or more, than suppression is your best option.
What NOT To Do With Cheater Websites
Here are a few tips for what not to do in dealing with cheater websites.
- Don’t Google it. If you Google your name and the name of the website again and again, you run the risk of having it appear as a negative suggestion in Google Autocomplete. For example, if your name is John Smith, don’t Google “John Smith cheaterville” otherwise cheaterland can become a permanent suggestion after your name. I have a client like that, we’ve pushed out the negative suggestion in 2016 and he continues to invest with us to make sure it doesn’t come back.
- Don’t Click it. If you’re Googling yourself and you see a negative cheater link (or any negative link), do not click it! This can help the link become stronger and move it up in search results. That’s because click-through rate is an important signal in Google’s ranking algorithm. The more a link gets clicked for a certain keyword search, the more relevant it appears to the algorithm and thus, it moves up. If you must search and click, make sure to do it in Google incognito mode as searches done there are private and are not figured into the algorithm.
- Act Fast. Many of the liear/cheater websites aggregate to one another, so if you’re on one, you might wind up on several of them before you know it. It’s best to act quickly if you see yourself on one of these sites before it spreads to other ones.
List Of Known Cheater Websites
- badgirlsreport.com
- badgirlreports.date
- beware.org
- cheaters.news
- cheaterxposed.us
- cheaterland.com
- cheaterreport.com
- cheaterreports.com
- cheatersandbastards.com
- cheatersblacklist.com
- cheaters.news
- cheatingreport.com
- cheatland.com
- dirtyscam.com
- exposecheatersonline.com
- exposedonline.net
- foulspeakers.com
- internetcheaters.com
- reportcheater.com
- reportcheatingonline.com
- reportcheatingwife.com
- shesahomewrecker.com
- thedirty.com
- thewrongdoer.com
- usahomewreckers.com
- worsthomewrecker.com
- wtfcheater.com
Below is a summary of some of the sites listed above.
Cheaterland.com – Right on the home page, you can see that Cheaterland brags “we give you control over your own post!”
Translation: No one is moderating this website. So you can create an account and write whatever you want.
Delete Cheaterland today by contacting us.
Beware.org – Check out beware.org and the first thing you see in the upper right hand corner is a big red “Submit Post” button.
If you click this button, you’re taken to a form where you can easily submit your scam or opinion. Once again – easy to submit, say whatever you want, with no repurcussions. Another garbage site.
We can delete Beware.org stories about you.
CheaterReports.com – The slogan on the CheaterReports.com website says boldly: Report that cheater before they cheat again!
As if public shame is going to change a person. Welcome to the 21st century’s version of public humiliation.
At least this site has a written removal policy, but good luck spending money on legal fees to get a court order. That process is also time consuming and I’m betting if you’ve found yourself on CheaterReports you want to get deleted fast. So contact us.
InternetCheaters.com – What’s ironic about internetcheaters.com is the featured ad on their site is a reputation management company advertising to remove content from cheater websites.
That’d be like an SEO firm running an ad from an agency that will undo your SEO. What a joke!
Nonetheless, we can delete InternetCheaters.com articles for you.
ReportCheater.com – At ReportCheater.com, it’s easy to write anything you want. All you have to do is hit the red Report Cheater Now button in the lower right hand corner and submit your report.
Again, so easy to post, no one moderating. The scam is to get you to pay money to have it removed. Do these sites really think they’re doing a public service?
Delete ReportCheater.com stories now; we offer a confidential quote.
ExposeCheatersOnline.com – It’s funny that the same exact ad for removing cheater site content is on both this site and internetcheaters.com.
Delete negative content on ExposeCheatersOnline.com quickly and easily. Contact us for a free quote.
ReportCheatingWife.com – Well, here is one just for the ladies.
If you’re a woman who’s been reported and written about on this site, reach out to us and we’ll get you a quote to delete ReportCheatingWife.com.
You’ll never have to worry about it again.
WTFCheater.com – WtfCheater.com is such a horrible site that my anti-virus software blocks access to it. What does that tell you?
Another awful site with nothing but rants about cheating spouses, lovers, and friends.
We can delete WTFcheater.com articles, all you have to do is contact us for a quote.
DirtyScam.com – Dirtyscam.com doesn’t limit itself to just articles about lying and cheating – you’ll find all kinds or reports about scams on this site.
In amongst the undocumented reports of fraud, scams, and other supposed hoaxes, you’ll mind a few negative stories about cheating lovers.
Oy vey. Well, if you want to delete a DirtyScam.com story about you, please contact us for help.
Report Cheating Online – Well, here’s one of the latest garbage websites we’ve had reported to us: ReportCheatingOnline.com.
This site looks like it was designed by a third grader. Actually, scratch that. my 8 year-old granddaughter could do a better looking website than this.
It exists purely to slander people. Contact us to get yourself removed permanently from this website.
WorstHomeWrecker.com – Worst Home Wrecker is just like all the rest of these sleazy websites.
An anonymous form allows you to submit whatever you want about someone and there is no moderation.
An upset user merely has to upload an image, title, content, excerpt, and tags and voila – the post goes live to the website.
Sadly, if you find yourself on WorstHomeWrecker.com, you have to pay them to get off the site. We can help you with this.
BadGirlReports.com – This website aggregates and automatically publishes posts from at least two other websites – cheaters.news and thewrongdoer.com.
It’s likely that all 3 sites are owned by the same group of people, just trying to create more pain for the people posted on the sites.
A look at older posts on Bad Girl Reports reveals anonymous complaints about companies and products, too. It seems that this site will publish any complaint, no matter what it’s about.
Delete Cheater Links Wrap-Up
Hopefully, you know a little more about cheater websites now and how they operate.
We’re happy to help you delete negative stories from any of the sites listed above.
New cheater sites are popping up all the time. If you find yourself on an internet cheating website not listed here, please let us know. We can probably still help you get it removed.